The film Olympus Has Fallen revolves around the head of the President of the United States security Mike Banning, the protagonist. It's basis is around how the 'disgraced' former body guard, still loyal to the president, is the only man standing against a group of 'well trained', 'well organised' and ruthless Korean rebellion group led by one of the worlds most wanted men Kang this thrillers Antagonist. With constant questions revolving around the audience throughout, but the most important question to all is, 'can he save the President?', which is the main suspense throughout the film.
The film starts showing a close relationship between Banning and the President at the relaxed start of the film.
The film quickly takes a turn, when driving from Camp David (the presidents holiday home) to a Christmas party, when the front car swerves of the bridge and the one carrying the President and the First Lady is half hanging off the bridge. Forced to make a choice between saving the President and the First Lady Banning saves the President just as the car completely falls all the way into the river taking the First Lady with it.
The scene then takes us to 18 months later. Banning is in a depressive state after the accident and now works for the treasury after being dismissed by the President. Then the scene changes again to the President who is having a meeting with the South Korean PrimeMinister, which quickly turn into a evacuation when a plane heading for the White house ignores military threats, takes down two planes and shoots innocent civilians. This sets up the main plot of the film. Seeing the plane Banning heads to the White House. The President now thought to be safely secure in his bunker has been taken hostage by the South Korean Prime Minister's aide and his associates. Now back to Banning the White house is being attacked from the outside by people once assumed to be tourists, unprepared for the attack the secret service and the police are quickly taken down by this team of specialists. Banning seeing regular fight quickly steps up to the challenge and starts taking down the attackers eventually working his way into the White House.
Now finding himself the only man left standing against the Koreans, Banning cuts off there visual and begins cutting down the Koreans. The South Korean aide is now making demands after having killed the prime minister is threatening to kill the other hostages if there not met, when the connection cuts he communicates with people outside saying there next goal is getting the president son Conor in order to get the Presidents code a program that allows the aide to control the US's nuclear weapons. Banning has made communicating with the secret service director and the acting President saying that he needs to get Conor. Banning finds Conor quickly knowing him well and gets him out.
The South Koreans Aide, now identified as Kang, is frustrated with Banning ruining his plans so he drags the secretary out to the front of the house planning to shoot her just as she gets in full view of the camera. Banning is one step ahead of them and just before they can kill the secretary he shoots one of the men. Caught out, Kang flees the scene as Banning is caught up with fighting the others off. The secretary makes it out alive. Now over confident that the Koreans are slipping they send helicopters in to rescue the president. Banning warns them that this is a suicide mission but is ignored, all the helicopter have been shot down by the state of the art guns that Banning warned them about.
Afraid for the Presidents life after another hostage is shot they meet there demands. As insurance they take the hostages and supposedly Kang to helicopter all in the same guise with there heads covered. Upon rising the helicopter explodes leaving everyone to believe the President is dead. Unconvinced Banning goes to the underground shelter in search of him. The President is alive and so is Kang. In a fight to the death Banning kills Kang with the President being shot in the process and also deactivates the program to activate all the nuclear bombs. Banning and the President now make it out of the White House alive although injured. The end of the film shows Banning and the President once again friends after the last day having bought them together again.
The film is a thriller as it contains a lot of suspense and mystery clearly shown above, the biggest suspense throughout the whole film is the question 'is the president going to get out alive?' Banning is the typical run down hero that suddenly after 18 months without training or even proper weapons can take down over 60 well trained Koreans without so much as a serious or fatal wound. There is also a lot of mystery in this film as no one knows in the beginning who the people are that have taken over the White House? And then there's the further mystery of who are they working for? The film contains lots of iconic images for example, guns and knives. Banning is dressed in dark clothing which gives him that secret agent vibe that is stereotypical for a thriller protagonist, whereas Kang is wearing a suit which gives him a sense of power especially as he is very neat and tidy, which furthers that as a man with a plan compared to president and associates that are all dirty and scruffier than the stereotypical business man making them look powerless and weak.
Overall I would give Olympus Has Fallen
From this film I can see that you can associate everyday items but in order to get the effect they wanted the used the white house seen as the impenetrable building of the US. Maybe when making my video I can use a building seen or thought as, as impenetrable in order to catch the audiences attention and build suspense.
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